Nurturing LinkedIn Leads

01 Sep

We are seeing a subtle shift in power taking place between the notions of acquisition vs. nurturing. The advent of digital ushered in an emphasis on data and lead-generation, and as marketers we spend a great deal of time building networks. But nurturing those networks is the real key to success, and nurturing means listening

Being heard is an important part of any type of relationship-building, whether it’s between companies and customers, citizens and the state, or spouses. And seeking input is the other side of that coin.

It is for this reason that we are excited to be doing more with some of the newest tools offered by platforms such as LinkedIn. Of particular interest is the new LinkedIn polling feature, which enables marketers to easily check-in with constituents and gather useful information, which may then be shared back to respondents and may be the basis for follow-up conversations.

We have experienced excellent results from the polling feature. Check out the explainer video below to see how it works.


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